Utah Premium Calculator

Transaction Type

Owner Policy

Amount *
* A 50% reissue rate is applicable when the new policy to be issued is ordered within 6 years of a prior policy date (owner or loan).

Lender Policy

Policy Information

Lender Endorsements

ALTA 4.1-06 ALTA 5.1-06
ALTA 6-06 ALTA 7-06
ALTA 8.1-06 ALTA 9-06
ALTA 22-06
100 116

Calculated Information

Owner Policy Actual Premium: $ Owner Policy Disclosure Amount: $**
Loan Policy Actual Premium: $ Loan Policy Disclosure Amount: $
**This value is derived according to the CFPB Rule and is calculated by taking the Owners Policy Premium Basic Rate and adding the Lenders Simultaneous Policy Premium; then subtracting the Lenders Policy Premium Basic Rate.
ALTA 4.1-06 ALTA 5.1-06 ALTA 6-06 ALTA 7-06 ALTA 8.1-06 ALTA 9-06 ALTA 22-06 100 - Restrictions 116 - Improvements and Location $

Colorado Recording Fees (all counties)

$13 for the first page; $5 each additional page

Add $5 per document for electronic recording fee

Colorado Transfer Tax

$.01 per $100 based on the sales price

PLEASE NOTE: This quote is based on a residential 1-4 family improved property. Please contact us at 800-525-6558 x0 for additional assistance, or click HERE for a copy of the full rate filing.

ATGF Closing Fees

NOTE: An ATGF agent may have their own separate fee filing

When a policy is to be issued wherein the applicant is an insured under a previous owner's, mortgagee's or leasehold policy, the new policy will be issued for the following rates depending upon the length of time between the effective date of the policy and the effective date of the new policy:

Length of Time Percentage of Base Rate
2 years or less 60
3 years or less 70
4 years or less 80

Utah Recording Fees

Recording Fees are priced by each individual county. Contact County Recorder for rate specifics.

PLEASE NOTE: This quote is based on a residential 1-4 family improved property. Please contact us at 800-525-6558 x0 for additional assistance, or click HERE for a copy of the full rate filing.